Friday, April 23, 2010

Yeah!  All four of our Icelandic ewes have successfully lambed.  We now have 9 new lambs on the farm.  The cute black and white one in the picture is Felipe.  It is such a relief to have lambing over.  Now I can sleep through the night and don't have to wake up throughout the night to go check the barn for lambing activity.  The lambs are so fun to watch.  It is hard to get work done!  

We are officially sold out of CSA shares for the season.  There has been an overwhelming amount of interest this year.  If you know of any returning members who haven't signed up but want to, have them talk to me.  I saved an extra space for a returning member with a good story!

We are really excited about the season so far.  It seems as though the weather has been purposely farmer-friendly to make up for last year (knock on wood)!  Of course it's only April, anything can happen!  We are harvesting our first greens from the hoophouse now.  Come to the European Market on Buck St. in Bangor tomorrow (Saturdays) from 9-12 to get a salad fix.  We just had an awesome arugula salad for dinner.  We are bringing our fresh eggs to market as well.  Don't buy supermarket eggs when you can get the real thing!   Drop by the farm to pick up some fresh eggs (in fridge in packing shed) and see the new lambs!